Genetic Heavy Metal Toxicity: Explaining SIDS, Autism, Tourette's, Alzheimer's and Other Epidemics Review

Genetic Heavy Metal Toxicity: Explaining SIDS, Autism, Tourette's, Alzheimer's and Other Epidemics
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Genetic Heavy Metal Toxicity: Explaining SIDS, Autism, Tourette's, Alzheimer's and Other Epidemics ReviewJust finished reading it. Wow, this is such a good book! I appreciate the fact that the author gives references to the studies and the doctors she mentions. Seldom did she give an opinion that wasn't backed up by a scientific or authoritative source, making her book all the more credible. She also did a great job empowering parents like me with information to help them feel like they could handle the threat of SIDS. She herself lost a baby to this mysterious disorder - although under a slightly different name, due to the order of events and her quick response to the crisis. It launched her on a journey that motivated her to write this book. It really opened my eyes about issues concerning neurotoxicity that I'd never before considered. She also covers other important disorders that are caused by neurotoxicity, such as TS, Autism, Aspergers, ALS, etc. Not only that, but she explores methods that have been used to detoxify and help cope naturally with the damage that heavy metals can cause. It's a must-read for all parents.Genetic Heavy Metal Toxicity: Explaining SIDS, Autism, Tourette's, Alzheimer's and Other Epidemics Overview

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