The Company of the Future Review

The Company of the Future
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The Company of the Future ReviewThe Internet is often compared with the railways of the nineteenth century. The railway too had its initial hype where people overestimated its impact and drove its stocks to dizzy heights. Public memory is short; we have seen the repetition of this phenomenon during the last five years and this time the craze was the Internet. Railways have since survived and flourished bringing in prosperity and transforming the industrial landscape. That was in a physical world but in the new era it is the seamless flow and abundance of information that determines and controls business decisions.
While working on supply chains, what strikes me most is the proverbial "Weakest link". In most cases the structure and functioning of these chains is stunted by the lack of connectivity and information sharing between the participating entities. In dealing with such distributed systems that are outdated and hierarchical, we often tend to automate existing processes by linking isolated legacy systems rather than inventing radically new processes that are made possible by the technologies of computing and communications. To give another example, even after the advent of electric power and electric motors, the shop floors were designed to install machines as close to the source of power - the legacy of steam power! Unlearning at times is more difficult than learning.
Think of water as an important resource for survival. You are living in a self-contained village that has a small lake, which supplies just enough water for the current needs. Look at another village close by. It is on the banks of a perennial river that in addition to meeting the basic needs of water for drinking, washing and agriculture allows you to navigate and trade goods with far flung towns. Soon this village is bubbling with activity and becomes a major hub for trade. It then builds a port and also needs a small fleet of coast guard to police the lucrative waters. Now you have two options. Either migrate to the port town or connect your lake to the river with a canal to attract the excess traffic and have a small share of the business. But new businesses need new skills. You acquire some and hire the others. A quiet village is suddenly transformed. This analogy came to my mind while reading a chapter in this book that compares the internet with a flowing river that can be harnessed to ones advantage.
The best part of the book is that each chapter is devoted to a certain topic- Knowledge Management, Supply Chain, Customer Relationships, Human Resources, Corporate structure, Corporate culture and Leadership - and the impact of the Internet on these Organizational facets. "The Company of the Future" finally emerges as a multidimensional and interconnected global entity, never in isolation on any aspect of business.The Company of the Future Overview

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