Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management Review

Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management
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Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management ReviewGower have a long tradition of publishing Handbooks on aspects of management, and the quality is consistently good. Each is structured for easy reference, and each makes use of acknowledged experts in their respective fields. Another characteristic is that each chapter ends with a set of references for those who want to go further into the specific area covered by the chapter. This new edition brings together a team of experts under a world leader in the field, to offer very comprehensive coverage, with each of the 43 chapters excellently referenced for those who want further detail in a particular area.
It is a monumental book (660 pages). With its exhaustive coverage of every aspect of current supply chain management and its probable development, it is indispensable for anyone working in the field, or whose work depends on sound supply chain management by others - which covers most of us. However, its scale makes it rather intimidating for those who simply want to understand the scope of the field without going beyond the main principles. For these readers, the first four or five chapters give a reasonable strategic overview, or they could go to Hugos: Essentials of Supply Chain Management, which is designed to provide an appreciation of key principles rather than depth of detail.Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management Overview

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