Daisy Cooks: Latin Flavors That Will Rock Your World Review

Daisy Cooks: Latin Flavors That Will Rock Your World
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Daisy Cooks: Latin Flavors That Will Rock Your World ReviewI do agree with some of the reviewers that Daisy can be somewhat perky and annoying in her television show - but every time I watched it, I found myself salivating over those dishes. I anxiously awaited this book, thinking about all the things I would make - especially the homemade sofrito as I was sick of buying the frozen stuff at my local bodega.
I was not disappointed! This book is gorgeous to look at - nice pictures of the food and Daisy's beautiful family. And the recipes are not hard at all. I have been cooking away like a fiend - recreating many of the recipes featured on her PBS show. No one here has been unhappy - or hungry since! The sofrito recipe makes all that frozen stuff appear flavorless! We especially enjoyed the Chicken Diablo recipe - really amazing! Daisy DOES rock!Daisy Cooks: Latin Flavors That Will Rock Your World Overview

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