Marketing to American Latinos: A Guide to the In-Culture Approach, Part II Review

Marketing to American Latinos: A Guide to the In-Culture Approach, Part II
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Marketing to American Latinos: A Guide to the In-Culture Approach, Part II ReviewWhen I took my first trip to California in the 1960's, I saw fast food outlets selling a strange cuisine that I had never seen on the east coast - tacos. I hadn't a clue what this was..never even heard the word. Much has changed since then.
Latinos are a major new presence and force in the United States, whose influence on our commerce and politics will only continue to grow. For those who have more than casual interest in this phenomenon, perhaps for purposes of business or for politics, Isabel Valdes has produced a most timely and useful guide. Ms Valdes, with professional precision, takes apart this demographic and cultural Rubik's Cube, lays the pieces out before the reader, and then, taking the reader by the hand, methodically and meaningfully puts it all back together. Weaving together a tapestry of various countries of origin, age distribution, language preference, time in the US, etc, the author helps us sort through the reality behind the headlines and develops systematic approaches to formulate an effective and targeted business strategy. Data is targeted, timely, well presented, and well analyzed. Yet, the human dynamic behind the data is not lost. Highly recommended.Marketing to American Latinos: A Guide to the In-Culture Approach, Part II Overview

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