Shoptimism: Why the American Consumer Will Keep on Buying No Matter What Review

Shoptimism: Why the American Consumer Will Keep on Buying No Matter What
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Shoptimism: Why the American Consumer Will Keep on Buying No Matter What Review
Our capable author offers extensive personal analysis-plus on today's kind of shoppers and the mall, inside the store, on the internet. --Though, maybe by intentional omission, he doesn't say a whole lot about buying "stuff" on the web.
For the most part, Eisenberg takes a relatable look at why we buy and why we will buy forever (no matter what). Details are plenty and his story compelling. ~But it really goes directionless. For instance, the author leaves us with no "solutions" (even in his "Afterword") to issues of the inner- and outer goings-on of retail sales. ~Surely because, all along, he points out no real "problems."
It's a descriptive venture. On this page, he takes the side of clever merchants. On another, he's happy to side with buyers in their never-ending quest to amass as much "stuff" as possible. That's objectivity for you. There's no judgment. Nothing's "right" or "wrong." She buys. He sells...and Eisenberg leaves it at that. Imagery abounds. Quick facts and figures are everywhere.
~But who's this book written for? College professors on the subject have likely heard it all before and probably already have enough buy-n-sell books with far more depth and rigor. Matter of fact, the author quotes many, many of these university academics, study experts, and social scientists along the way. ~And, why would shoppers care about motivations for/clarifications on their own buying habits? Eisenberg suggests: "Shoes On Sale!" is the kind of particulars most shoppers really care about.
The book'd be a winner if it didn't get all tangled up in the vague psychologies of selling and (mostly) buying. Romantic buyers? Classic buyers? Mars? Venus? Freud? Tom O'Guinn? (I didn't know him either. --from the U. of Wisc., author of an all-important (?) "Compulsive Buying Scale," as we learn.) Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu? Don't ask...there are dozens more. Here are 300+ pages that include dry (useful?) psycho-text on buy-side hypotheses and sell-side theory. For example, there're plenty of (useless?) data on "psychographic buckets," "magic mirrors," "brain scans," "proprietary profile platforms," and the stealth practices of sell-side marketers and tricksters.
It's a consistent mix, sometimes interesting, sometimes dulling, sometimes hard to keep a close focus on, as the author swiftly moves from anecdote to academic quote to fact and chart and back...right on the beat. He even just skims significant efforts of Paco Underhill, nationally-known retail marketing guru. As such, the wintry socio-psycho conjecture and detail lies limp amid scores of fascinating bright, witty passages describing the author's own experiences inside Michigan Avenue stores in Chicago, the Mall of America in Minnesota and on Madison Avenue in New York...among numerous outlets.
~A 50% interesting, readable book, put together in a scattered-but-easy-going style. Having read it, I'm no better a shopper. Target probably still won't hire merchandise-savvy floor people because of it, and sellers will continue to come up with their own clever new ways to capture attentions of buyers. It's a fast-moving retailing overview that's but thick with surface detail. ~Like a personal diary: attention-grabbing --but it goes nowhere. The book's ok...but since there are many more-focused consumerism books available, no need to make a point of casually reading this one....
Shoptimism: Why the American Consumer Will Keep on Buying No Matter What Overview

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