eBay Inventory the Smart Way: How to Find Great Sources and Manage Your Merchandise to Maximize Profits on the World's #1 Auction Site Review

eBay Inventory the Smart Way: How to Find Great Sources and Manage Your Merchandise to Maximize Profits on the World's #1 Auction Site
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eBay Inventory the Smart Way: How to Find Great Sources and Manage Your Merchandise to Maximize Profits on the World's #1 Auction Site ReviewThis book is a decent overall, 1000 ft view of options for acquiring inventory to sell on eBay. It presents the 'you should consider' rather than the 'step one, step two', which is fair seeing that no one answer can fit all.
Granted, this wasn't intended to give you a list of manufacturers, wholesalers, or even a comprehensive list of online services; but just when you think something tangible (as opposed to purely conceptual) is about to appear on the next page, you get a 'not within the scope of this book' or 'buy our other book XYZ for that info' Also be warned of the DOBA ads threaded throughout this book (one of the authors is the CEO)
One 'tangible' piece of info I couldve used is in the area of importing. The book goes into the general process of working with manufacturers and wholesalers. You'd think getting the inventory is a considerable aspect of managing inventory, however the book simply recommends contacting a customs broker and stops. Then points to another one of their books for $24.95.
On top of it all, there had to have been at least 50 pages in this book created out of pure repetition. There were a number of places I thought I had reread, only to notice it had been covered multiple times. The unorthodox organization of the book helped lead to this, fat margins, etc, but I'm sure its no accident..a 250 pager sells more copies.
Decent book, but not well executed. I definitely will not consider any other publication in the series.eBay Inventory the Smart Way: How to Find Great Sources and Manage Your Merchandise to Maximize Profits on the World's #1 Auction Site Overview

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